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“... Sonos is the most comprehensive smart speaker for audio lovers, you can have a 5.1 set up in your living room and another set up in your bedroom, and have them connected throughout your home.”

"… Sonos應該是目前功能最全面和最適合音響迷的智能喇叭,可在客廳裝一套5.1家庭影院,房間裝一套喇叭駁另一套音響器材,然後用WiFi連接打通全屋"

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"Sonos can really add to the home. It is not just another sound system, but it is also a part of your home’s design and furniture"

"SONOS 的喇叭確實可以為家居增添不少品味,甚至可以說它並非是一套音響系統那麼簡單,而是家居室內設計的其中一部分"

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"Sonos 的全新系列保持了時尚設計,同時增加了全新的語音控制功能。無論設計、聲音、易用性和多房間功能,它都能打造出出色的音樂體驗,對於那些想要乾淨時尚家居內飾的人來說,這是一個不容錯過的全新多房間系統。

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"Sonos has long been known for having great sound and designed simply and easy to use - allowing consumers to group, pair or expand easily. Customers can start with a small-sized player, add a Soundbar or Subwoofer, and then build up a smart sound system suitable to their needs."

"Sonos 的卓越音色早已赢得不少讚譽,設計簡單易用的系統,能隨用戶的需要不斷組合、配對及擴充。客人可以由單一小型喇叭開始入手,試啱後再添置 Soundbar 或 Subwoofer,真的做到配合用戶需要而建立合適的智能音響系統"

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"Many brands have been highlighting multi-room music system in recent years but Sonos has been supporting it from the onset. Through the Sonos app, you can easily group different speakers, adjust volume, play different music in different rooms. "

近年好多品牌都講緊 multi-room 多房間音樂串流,Sonos 喇叭一早就支援這款功能,而且可以通過 Sonos App 方便地組合不同喇叭、調整音量、串流不同音樂、指派到不同的房間等等。

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"The best-sounding smart speaker you can buy"

"The Sonos Beam is the soundbar evolved."

Sonos Beam is a compact soundbar that is a jack-of-all-trades..."

Hear what the media have to say about Sonos Era

Sonos Era 100、Era 300 無線喇叭登場,進入全新連接時代

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Era 100 維持 Sonos One 的水準並有少許進步,Era 300 各方面表現均十分優勝

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總括而言,Sonos Era 300 和 Era 100 都是非常出色的智能喇叭。Era 300 擁有超現實環迴立體聲效果,適合影音發燒友;Era 100 則是小巧但功能強大,適合用在家庭中的各個角落。無論什麼樣的用家,這兩款智能喇叭都能滿足需求,帶來非凡的聆聽體驗。

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通過左右各一組Era 100 斜向放置的高音單元,帶來雙聲道立體聲效果,低音單元面積比Sonos One 更大低音更飽滿沉厚。

即使單一台 Era 300 亦能發揮全景聲音效。

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Video reviews

“... Sonos is the most comprehensive smart speaker for audio lovers”
- Apple Daily

"Sonos can really add to the home..."
- Unwire

"... the Beam shows that Sonos is thinking beyond music, and how it can fit into every aspect of the modern home."
- Engadget

Customer reviews

Hearing is believing. This soundbar is terrific. The system is highly recommended.

by RT

All in all, Sonos is great. I like it and highly recommend it. Changed my home life.

by CL

Bought the Beam. Love how little space the Beam takes up in my Living Room and how big and full the sound is.

by David C