$150 off $4,000 and $400 off $10,000

Shipping FAQ

What is the lead time for shipping/delivery?

Your order will be shipped out within 2 working days to your indicated address. Delivery lead time varies depending on your location within Hong Kong, but you can generally expect it to reach you within 2-3 days after your order has been shipped.

For Pre-order Items
You can refer to the estimated delivery date on the product listing page that you saw before you add your items to cart.

If you have any queries, feel free to reach out to our friendly agents over at our Live Chat!

What are the Customs Duty & Tax charges involved in international deliveries?
Orders shipped outside of the local country may be subject to import taxes, customs duties and fees levied by the destination country. The recipient of an international shipment may be subjected to such import tax, customs duty and fees, which are levied once a shipment reaches the recipient's country. Additional charges for customs clearance must be fulfilled by the recipient.
Customs policies vary widely from country to country; you should contact your local customs office for more information. When customs clearance procedures are required, it can cause delays beyond our original delivery estimates.

What are the shipping charges for my order?
Shipping charges for local orders are to be covered entirely by TC Acoustic and payment fee at checkout is the net price for the order unless stated otherwise.
Shipping charges for International orders are to be covered fully by recipient at checkout. Custom, duties & taxes may be chargeable subjected to recipient’s destination country. Refer to custom, duties & taxes for more information.

How do I change my delivery address?
Speak to us on live chat, or drop us an email at info@tcacoustic.asia. You may quote your order number for verification purposes.